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CONTENT WARNING: these poems broach topics such as childhood poverty, food insecurity, fatphobia, childhood sexual abuse, and parental abuse. The content could also be considered horrific/disturbing generally. One of the poems autoplays audio once you interact with it,  so check your volume if you don't want to be terrified (it's not intended to be a jumpscare).

This work was completed as part of my plan of concentration (basically a thesis) to complete my degree in Computer Science and Writing / Interactive Literature and New Media at Marlboro College (press F to pay respects, blood makes the grass grow, emily mather lives, etc).


I'd like to thank Petrichor for publishing a fully interactive version of "dollhouse" and Déraciné Magazine for publishing the text of the poem "manufactured," named "dress up game" in this version. I'm ever grateful for the journals that take a chance on my work, especially when that work is experimental.

I'd also like to thank my plan advisors, Jim Mahoney and Bronwen Tate, for their patience, guidance, and wisdom throughout the process of creating this work + finishing the entire thesis.

To the writers I worked with in my senior poetry workshops— Anna Morrissey, Thomas Nuhfer, Maya Faerstein-Weiss, Maui Reilly, Sara McMahon, and Raf Cornel— I appreciate your careful attention to this work, and I am grateful for your guidance and wisdom. I miss sitting around that table in the room with the broken door with y'all, talking about poems and lingering in the dining hall afterwards. 

& thank you to Chris, who supported me throughout writing my thesis, even when facing the demands of his own. I love you & I'm always grateful that we could be together in those first uncertain months of 2020.

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